
Measurements in stationary mode

Do you need to determine the overall dimensions of the product / parcel? Are you entering data manually? It’s very easy to do! Cubetape is accurate, compact, easy to use and costs much less than traditional dimensioning tools. Just connect the charger to the computer at the workplace and the data is already in your system. […]

Mixing and Dosing

Filling Loose, liquid, or aggressive products are usually shipped in specialized containers (barrels, containers, bags, etc.). RAVAS mobile weighing systems allow you to control the filling of such containers during transportation. The process of filling and shipping is simplified, becomes more efficient and flexible, in contrast to traditional weight control, as there is no need […]

Pick by Weight

Order picking is one of the most time-consuming processes in warehousing logistics. Errors in orders are complaints from customers (clarification of the case, loss of business reputation) and additional costs (return, completion of a new order). In short, losses. RAVAS mobile weighing systems are an ideal tool for order picking control. Required equipment:  Order picking […]

Measurements in mobile mode

There is no need to move goods / loads to stationary measuring devices and back. Perform operations where necessary, not where the place is specially equipped for this purpose! Cubetape in combination with Ravas mobile scales allow you to determine the parameters of the product right in place, in just one approach. All data automatically […]

 On-line temperature control

Monitoring the temperature of goods in transportation is relevant today for many companies that work with food and pharmaceuticals. Usually, thermoindicators, thermoregistrators and so -called loggers are used for this purpose, which fix the complete “temperature history” of the cargo.  However, all of them, as practice shows, do not exclude the possibility of falsification. And […]

 Weight control during acceptance / shipment

Do you still move loads to the scales during acceptance / shipment? It’s abnormal! Indeed, for example, to identify goods in stores, warehouses, or, say, to check tickets on a train or plane – no one keeps records manually, and does not go from the cash register to the product, or from the counter to […]

Control your harvest starting from the field!

What if you need to collect and weigh the goods in remote locations that are not supported by Wi-Fi and power supply – for example, in the field or in the garden? For such cases RID Logistic Solutions Company has developed a special solution. RAVAS mobile weighing systems have been well known among specialists for a […]
